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Reclaiming Your Inner Space to Break Free from Abuse Patterns

Writer's picture: ElamaElama
Human being in full presence and power by owning their inner space

Feeling abused is directly connected to our sense of space—specifically, our Inner Space. When we experience abuse, it often feels like someone is crossing the boundaries of our Inner Space, intruding or invading what should be ours.

In this post, I want to show you that it is possible to break free from patterns and situations of abuse by reprogramming your perception of Inner Space. The key to this transformation lies in reclaiming ownership of it.

Abuse occurs when we have learned—usually through early life experiences—that our personal space does not truly belong to us. Instead, we may have been conditioned to believe that others have a right to it, that our boundaries are not valid, or that we must accommodate others at our own expense. But in truth, our individual space is meant to be ours and ours alone.

Being in an abusive dynamic is like owning a house but allowing strangers to come and go as they please. Even though the house is yours, you let others take control. This doesn’t feel healthy, right? The same should apply energetically to your Inner Space—whether physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually.

Hopefully this article will inspire you to shift from a limiting belief to the truth that your space belongs to you. No matter what you were taught or once believed, you have the power to reclaim it. By doing so, you break free from the patterns of abuse that once shaped your reality.

Walls vs. Boundaries: Understanding the Key Difference

There is a crucial distinction that many of us overlook—the difference between walls of protection and healthy boundaries. For many, these concepts seem interchangeable, but in reality, understanding this difference can be a game-changer in how you connect with yourself, others, and the world around you.

Healthy boundaries allow you to lead from a place of inner strength and clarity. They empower you to navigate relationships and interactions while honoring your personal space and energy. In contrast, walls are built from fear, leading to a life of constant vigilance, where you expect threats to intrude upon your space. While walls may feel protective, they ultimately create isolation, cutting you off from meaningful connection with others and the world.

By shifting from walls to boundaries, you open yourself to a life of empowerment, trust, and authentic connection—where you remain sovereign in your space while still engaging openly with life.

However, before you can make this shift, there is a crucial first step: shifting your point of reference from the outside world to within yourself. This means learning to focus primarily on your Inner Space while allowing attention to your outer world to become secondary.

Think of it this way: if you own a company that makes a product but spend all your time watching your competitors instead of improving your own work, the quality of your product will likely suffer. The same applies to your inner space—when your focus is outward, you may neglect what truly matters within.

Shifting Our Focus from Outer to Inner Space

When we place too much attention on our outer space, we risk disconnecting from our core. This often leads to prioritizing others' needs, perceptions, or expectations over our own, as if their existence matters more than ours. In doing so, we unknowingly surrender our internal power, even handing it over to others. It’s as if we are saying: Others matter, and I don’t.

When we operate from this belief, it’s no surprise that we may end up feeling or being abused. But the moment we shift our awareness inward and consciously observe the state of our Inner Space, we gain the ability to redesign it. We can shape it to reflect our truth, our essence, and what genuinely supports us.

This shift also comes with an important realization: we are responsible for our Inner Space—for its condition, its boundaries, and its energy. By reclaiming ownership of it, we begin to understand that the outer world is shaped by our inner world, not the other way around. This realization restores hope and reminds us that we are the true creators of our external reality.

As children, we are naturally dependent on external authority—our parents, teachers, and other caregivers—and we have little control over what happens to us. However, as adults, no one can truly invade or control our personal space unless, consciously or unconsciously, we allow them to.

This can be a difficult truth to accept because many of us have been conditioned to see ourselves as powerless victims of external forces. It may feel easier to believe that abuse or harmful experiences simply happen to us, with no involvement on our part. But recognizing our role in our own energy dynamics is not about blame—it’s about reclaiming the power that has always been ours.

Connection to your Innate Power

Living with healthy boundaries allows you to create and maintain a safe Inner Space—one where you are free to connect with your true self and express your truth without fear. In this space, you can be fully present with yourself, with others, and with the world as a whole. In essence, you are saying yes to yourself, which naturally awakens your innate power.

By doing so, you cultivate an inner microcosm that then reflects into your external reality. When your inner world is aligned, it naturally shapes the outer world you experience.

Focusing too much on the external world and building walls can trap your core essence, making it harder to access your inner power. This disconnects you from your inner truth because, in doing so, you unintentionally remove yourself and your own needs from the equation. It’s like saying, “I don’t matter, but others do.” In that state you cannot feel safe and you end up constantly scanning for threats rather than trusting in the foundation of your own being. True self-confidence cannot come from seeking validation or reassurance from external sources—it is nurtured from within. Your true home is inside you, and when you honor and respect it, trust gradually becomes your natural state.

Revisiting our Inner Space

Taking time to connect with our Inner Space is an act of self-love and a valuable gift we can offer ourselves—yet it is often overlooked or ignored. This connection allows us to understand the state of our inner world and make intentional shifts where needed.

Let me offer you a simple way to do this. Try closing your eyes and calling forth your Inner Space. Observe what arises—whether as a visual image, a sensation, or another form of perception that works for you. Ask yourself:

  • How does my Inner Space feel?

  • Is it light or dark? Open or constricted?

  • How well are my boundaries defined?

  • Does it feel ordered and harmonious or chaotic and unsettled?

Once you gain a sense of its structure and texture, take a moment to reflect: How would I like this space to be?For example, if your Inner Space feels dark, cold, or constricted, try asking for more light, warmth, and expansion. Notice what happens as you give these commands—your Inner Space may shift in ways that surprise you.

Know that you have the power to shape it in a way that feels harmonious, safe, and aligned with your true self.

See this practice as an opportunity to reprogram your inner world, to restore balance, clarity, and sovereignty over your energy. I encourage you to practice this daily. Each time will be different, bringing new insights, awareness, and understanding. Over time, you will naturally train your system to focus inward, making it easier to navigate and operate your life from the inside out.

What happens when you consciously connect with your Inner Space? Have you noticed any shifts? I’d love to hear your experiences—feel free to share in the comments!

1 Comment

Feb 16

Wonderfully written, thank you for these insights


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