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July 6 - 20

In this class, we will awaken the light of our shining hearts and shift our focus from the mind to the heart. I will guide you in establishing a stable and long-lasting connection with your core. Join me on this empowering transformation, embracing your strengths and weaknesses openly as a path to your empowerment and mastery.


It is a unique opportunity to reset your whole system in a safe sacred space with loving and caring support and guidance from the group. And it is also an invitation to foster a fresh perspective on yourself, vulnerability, and how you relate to your innate power.


Our container will serve as a space for individual and collective exploration, recognizing our shared Source within our heart. You'll tap into the love and courage within, fostering a new understanding of generosity. Here, giving isn't tied to scarcity but a way of generating more for yourself and others. Receiving becomes a form of giving to the whole.


To facilitate our interactions, we'll utilize a Facebook group for daily communication and Zoom for weekly live sessions. I'll provide daily guidance, intuitively tapping into the group's needs. You'll be free to share your thoughts, questions, and experiences at any moment.


We will have three live sessions via Zoom to connect with the group in real-time and delve deep into the teachings, and the sessions will be available for replay in case you cannot attend live. Each session will be between 75 and 90 minutes long.

Live session  #1 : July 6th at 3:00 pm GMT (11:00 am ET)

Live session #2 : July 13th at 3:00 pm GMT (11:00 am ET)

Live session #3 : July 20th at 3:00 pm GMT (11:00 am ET)


Although active participation is encouraged, your free will is respected. Expect support from both me and fellow participants as we collectively center our energies on this sacred journey of self-discovery, trust and unity.



The energy exchange for this class is $330 (or $280 if you register by June 30th). Upon completion of your registration, all the necessary details will be sent to you by email.




My name is Elama, and I have been working as a spiritual guide and healer since 2012. The core of my healing and teaching work revolves around studying and unraveling the mysteries of the sacred heart. It is my highest excitement to guide individuals in exploring, trusting and shining from their heart with compassion, love, and care.

I enjoy building energetic containers where we collectively embark on transformative journeys together. From the Core is one of those. I am excited to witness what will unfold when we start shining our lights from our common Source together. Although I don't hold expectations, I can already "smell" the magic in the air...

Feel free to contact me if you have questions about this class before signing up.


Use the form below to register.

From th Core registration


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© 2012-2025 by Elama spiritual guide

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