Conscious healing

What do the right and left sides of your body represent?
In your body, the right side harnesses your masculine energy in your life, while the left side harnesses your feminine energy. In action, the masculine side of the body is the one that gives, while the feminine side of the body is the one that receives.
Any physical, emotional, mental, or behavioral blockages in the way we express our masculinity and femininity were usually instilled in you from early childhood and even in the womb. They may result in a lack of trust and distorted relationships with yourself and others.
Since the left side and right side of your body (yin and yang, receiving and giving) are two sides of the same coin, when one side is imbalanced, it also affects the other side.
Left side energy blockages (feminine side of the body)
When various symptoms manifest in the left side of the body, it reveals patterns associated with the feminine energy in your life: patterns of receiving and expressing (or repressing) your femininity are ingrained into the left side of your body.
If there are blockages on the left side, it may indicate difficulty accessing and receiving creative life force, as well as abundance in all aspects of life, including success, love, gifts, and money. It may also reveal a resistance to accepting your own nature, talents, potential and creative power.
This can lead to feelings of worthlessness, loneliness, and a lack of self-value. On the other hand, there may be a need for constant validation and energy from others and a lack of healthy boundaries.
Right side energy blockages (masculine side of the body)
When various symptoms manifest in the right side of your body, it reveals patterns associated with the masculine energy in your life: patterns of giving and expressing (or repressing) your masculinity are ingrained into the right side of your body.
Right side energy blockages may indicate: difficulty accessing and using creative life force, over-giving, putting others first, and sacrificing personal needs. It may also reveal a resistance to being true to yourself and sharing your light with the world. This can lead to exhaustion, frustration, and anger.
What it means about your heart chakra
It’s essential to recognize that any imbalance or blockage in the flow of energy between the masculine and feminine aspects manifests as protective mechanisms within the heart chakra. This imbalance often arises from a lack of trust and collaboration between these energies in our consciousness. Rather than working together in love, they may resort to control and manipulation out of fear.
Typically, one aspect takes a dominant role, while the other becomes constricted, submissive, or even suffocated in more extreme cases. This dynamic creates conflict within the heart, making it difficult to feel safe and secure. We unconsciously build walls and barriers around our hearts, closing it and giving our mind the lead instead of allowing the heart—designed to guide us authentically—to take its rightful place.
Repercussions in relationships and intimate partnerships
The dynamics between masculine and feminine energies are vividly reflected in our relationships, particularly in intimate connections. For instance, if you are a woman whose feminine energy is repressed by dominant masculine traits—those that prioritize doing, performing, and achieving—you may attract partners (regardless of gender) who are controlling and dominant. Conversely, if you are a man struggling to express your masculinity, you might find yourself in relationships with partners (again, regardless of gender) whom you can easily control.
These dynamics extend beyond romantic relationships, influencing family ties, friendships, and professional interactions. It's also crucial to note that these energy dynamics significantly impact how money and abundance flow into our lives—or, conversely, how they may be blocked.
Why is it important to balance your masculine and feminine sides?
Balancing your feminine and masculine energies means empowering both sides and fostering cooperation rather than competition. When these energies are in conflict, your strength and vitality are depleted.
The sacred dance between the masculine and feminine energies is a delicate yet powerful movement that shapes every aspect of our lives. When these energies are in harmony, they move together in a natural flow, creating meaningful connections, fulfillment, and abundance.
By healing and balancing both sides, you can restore this natural rhythm, releasing old patterns and inviting in a fresh sense of of purpose and alignment.
I offer spiritual healing journeys designed to create profound shifts of consciousness, empowering you to manifest a new reality of vitality and fulfillment. If you're ready to shift your life, contact me or book a free 15-minute clarity call to explore how we can work together.
Who am I?
My name is Elama.
As an experienced shaman and healer, I have dedicated myself to working with reconnecting people to their core and the dynamics between the masculine and feminine.
I offer a variety of one-on-one healing and mentorhip programs, all designed to support your spiritual growth, with a focus on empowerment, self-mastery and leadership.
Learn more about my healing approach, my journey and how I work with clients.